Thursday, December 24, 2009

Yearly Update :P

Well I see it has been WAY too long since I updated here :(

The kids have grown unbelievable amounts. For some reason they just do that!

Hannah is now 19 months, walking and talking most of the time like a big girl.

Ezra started 4 year old kindergarten this year and LOVES it!

There is so much else but there is no way I can remember it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Hannah update

Well Hannah is 9 months old already. She is lazy and hasn't started to crawl yet but excited that she can wave bye bye this week. Plus has been doing dada and actually said byebye when waving this week. She is SO close to crawling though and gets so frustrated. But we all know she is going to be a terror when she does!

The orange outfit is the adorable outfit that Auntie Lydia and Ashley got her. EVERYTHING matches :)

Then we have Hannah Banana which everyone calls her. So we had to take a picture of her with a banana sticker on her head.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Long Time

Okay I have been falling down on the job here.

Ezra is over 3.5, enjoying daycare most days :) And normally a very good big brother.

Hannah is over 8 months old. Not crawling but can somehow empty 2 shelves, under the TV, and get into all kinds of things here at work while scooting on her butt! So she is a little trouble maker.

I will try to get some pictures up real soon to share.